Get the Fundamentals Down

“Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” – 
Michael Jordan

So you know that the Law of Attraction isn’t magic and it requires practice, experimentation, little short flights like the Wright Brothers. But there is a basic skill that, in my experience, absolutely must be mastered. It is so important that I consider it to be The Fundamentals.

In every sport, art or craft there are the fundamentals. In basketball, it’s layups and jump shots. In music it’s scales. In art it’s color. If you don’t get those down cold you can never become a master. Period! End of story! Your practice will always be flawed, always lacking something.


The fundamentals of LOA 2.0 is Allowing

Now what is this state of allowing that I’m going on about all the time? I’m going to tell you, but first I really wanted to point something out.

Principle #1 in LOA 2.0 is “The Law of Attraction is a spiritual law.” That’s right, spiritual. The Law of Attraction is a reflection of your inner self. It is the stuff inside you reflected back to you from the outside. It’s not something out there that you do some kind of ritual for or the right thinking or visualization. It is the direct reflection of you. So you must master the inside in order to master the outside.

The only reason the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for you is that you are not letting it. 5% of you is totally for all the good stuff but 95% of you is dead set against it. That 95% of you is actually protecting you from something dangerous. It thinks it has your best interest at heart and it does. But it is resisting the very thing you are trying to attract.

You can’t visualize it away. The mind is impotent against this level of resistance in your energy system. You can’t make it go away. It is a natural part of your being. There is only one way to remedy this. You have to engage it, directly, intimately. You have to converse with it the way you would a friend.

And the way to do that? Listen to it!

Notice that whenever you visualize something you want but don’t have, you feel a sense of resistance. It may even be difficult holding the picture in your mind. Now, rather than trying to hold the picture more doggedly and shut out the so-called “negative” feelings, I would like to propose an alternative.

Turn your attention towards them with affection and ask, “What would you like to tell me?” Then watch what happens.

Think about it. Wasn’t it the denial of who you were by your parents that put all these self-imposed, limiting beliefs in place in the first place? They did not acknowledge you and so parts of you had to be suppressed. Sound familiar? You are doing the same thing every time you try to suppress some feeling. You have become your un-accepting parents.

It’s time to start being the unconditionally loving parent you always wanted to have.

Try it. Visualize something you have wanted but do not yet have and when some doubt or resistance appears, turn towards it with as much love and acceptance as you can muster and say “I’m listening.”

You may just find that very energy you have been seeking to make that big transformation in you life is right there, right in the heart of that resistance.

Stay tuned…GP Walsh