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Cortometraje de LifeSuckers Premiado en el Miami IndieFilmClub Festival
2014 Audience Awards NOLA Festiva a con el primer puesto mejor short firm

“LifeSuckers” es un cortometraje independiente de multimedia inspirado en el libro de autoayuda LifeSuckers de la escritora de best sellers Mabel Iam sobre vampirismo emocional. La misma encarna uno de los personajes del film para lanzar en paralelo su libro con el mismo nombre que la pelicula en formato de E-book. El estreno de esta película de veinte minutos fue en el Cinema Wynwood en la primera semana de abril de 2014 en el Miami Indie Club Film Festival I’m Not Going to Move to L.A. Este evento único y cultural que ofrece películas, música y performances en vivo, deleito a los amantes del cine, autónomos cineastas, y a los residentes de Miami con las mejores producciones de cine locales. LifeSuckers gano el premio 2014 Audience Award y será presentada en un futuro festival de multimedia como parte del premio otorgado.

“LifeSuckers” fue filmada en Miami, FL en 2013 por el cineasta argentino Diego Chiliano y dirigida por David Chocarro cuyas reiteradas contribuciones a la cultura de Miami en lo que respecta a televisión, teatro y cine fueron galardonadas con la entrega de la “Llave de la Ciudad” por el alcalde de Miami Tomás Regalado en 2011.

La dramaturga y productora Carolina Laursen narra el drama psicológico de una relación tóxica entre madre-hija. La escritora Mabel Iam personifica a Lara como la madre. La actriz y cantante Johana Bonanno encarna a Mara como la hija e interpreta la canción del film “Up To Me” creada por Greg Walsh específicamente para la película y disponible por I tunes.

¿Hasta dónde eres capaz de llegar para retomar el control de tu vida? Deléitate con la drástica determinación de Mara. Conectate con LifeSuckers @ lifesuckers1 o https://lifesuckers.tv


Carolina Laursen
Carolina LaursenModel, Actress, TV Host.
Carolina Laursen nacida en Buenos Aires Argentina en 1980 es hoy una consagrada modelo, actriz y conductora en el “show business” Argentino y de Miami. A su vez, ha hecho resonar su talento en el ámbito teatral como dramaturga y productora de las obras lanzadas por su compañía Chocarro Artistic Corp en Argentina, Madrid y Miami. En su carrera artística en Miami, Carolina es actualmente co-conductora de TV en America Teve para el programa Agárrese Quien Pueda (AQP). Por su aporte a la comunidad de Miami, AQP y sus integrantes es premiado con una mención del Alcalde de la ciudad de Hialeah Carlos Fernandez. En el 2012, Carolina recibe el premio al Mejor Guión original en el Segundo Festival de Teatro de Miami por su dramaturgia el Tango de la Injusticia que también interpretó como actriz junto a su marido el actor David Chocarro. En el 2013, como integrante del elenco teatral del Adriana Black Box, es parte de una vivaz puesta en escena de danza y actuación con más de 15 actores-bailarines brindando al público vivaces musicales llenos de energía, pasión y juventud. A comienzos del 2014, protagonizó junto a un elenco de argentinos, la segunda temporada de un clásico de la comedia Argentina sobre la Familia Esperando la Carroza. Escrita en 1962 por Jacobo Langsner y dirigida exitosamente en la ciudad de Miami por la empresa de entretenimiento Cirko Teatro. Junto a el elenco fue galardonada con un reconocimiento por su contribución a la cultura de Miami por el alcalde de la ciudad de Miami, Tomas Regalado. Como dramaturga también recibió tal mención por sus innumerables dramaturgias presentadas en el contexto de Microteatro del Centro Cultural Espanol. En el 2014, bajo su propia productora Chocarro Artistic Corp., Carolina participó del XIII Festival del Monólogo Havanafama como dramaturga y directora de dos monólogos. Como directora de Después de Picasso Dios, escrito por July de Grandy e interpretado por Johana Bonanno, este equipo de mujeres presentará la obra en el próximo Festival del Monólogo en la ciudad de New York. En Miami, Carolina esta punto de lanzar su primer cortometraje de multimedia llamado Life Suckers como dramaturga y co-directora de un drama psicológico entre una madre y su hija inspirado en los libros de autoayuda de la escritora Mabel Iam quien encarnará uno de los personajes para el lanzamiento de su nuevo libro LifeSuckers. Este cortometraje de multimedia será presentado en el Indie Club Festival de Miami, NOLA.
Mabel Iam
Mabel IamAuthor , psychotherapist.
Mabel Iam is an author of international award-winning self-help bestsellers on love, sex, psychology, angels and astrology. Mabel Iam is a psychotherapist, a romance therapist, adviser and expert in relationships, as well as a successful hostess and producer for TV and radio shows. Four-time winning Latin Literary Award & and social media marketing strategy expert. Mabel Iam made it to the Celebrity Authors List with the publication her book Sex & the Perfect Lover ( 2004), and has remained there on account of the successful and renowned “The Love Diet®”, which came out two years later. Sex and the Perfect Lover was sold throughout the world, including India and Malaysia, and translated to over 10 different languages German, Turkish, English, Russian, Portuguese, French, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, etc. It has also been a public’s favorite and recommended in Amazon.com and Barnes & Nobles.com since 2004. She is the host and producer of her own radio show Amor Organico on radioamiami. Her books have been widely acclaimed by the press – magazines & newspapers, as well as websites – like Times, Glamour, Cosmopolitan Channel and magazine, Redbook, Library Journal, Aol.com, Ocean Drive, The Seattle Times, Askmen.com, Críticas, Penthouse, Yahoo.com, Hoy Texas, Msm Latino, The Miami Herald, El Diario La Prensa New york, Hotmail, Journal, Latina, Latina Style, Vivir Latina. In June 2007 in New York BEA, she was granted the Literary international Award for Honorable Mention best self help book: The Love Diet. In 2006 she was granted the Literary international Award for Best Self help Book for her book Ser Angelical” The award was presented to her on May 20, at The Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC in conjunction with the 2006 Book Expo America. In October 2005, she reached a peak in her career when she successfully taught a seminar at the prestigious Sex Museum in New York City and participated in one of the best New York City radio shows, with over 2,000,000 listeners. Her awards include the Latino Literary Award for Best Self help Book for “Qué hay detrás de tu nombre”, granted by Latino Literary Now organization at the 2003 Book Expo in Los Angeles, California. In 2004, Sex and the Perfect Lover and Sex and the Erotic lover were nominated as best non-fiction bilingual books at the Latino Book Award. Mabel has also received, among other awards, the Mercosur Research Award in 1999. Mabel, has traveled extensively, to India and other parts of the world to study, learn and be initiated by several spiritual masters. She is also a Sedona Method coach having trained in Arizona, US, with one od the master of the movie “The Secret”. Sought after by many people from all over the world, from Presidents to celebrities, Mabel set off earlier in her career with her own TV and radio shows in her home country, Argentina, through which she reached millions of hearts in Latin America. Since 2002, she has also conquered millions of American hearts broadcasting from the city of Miami, where she currently I am a blogger, a healing a master in social media. A lot of readers and journalists asked. Mabel, do you really believe love can be perfect? I’m convinced that love is perfect & relationships can be radiant.
Johana Bonano
Johana BonanoActress, mezzo-soprano singer, and dancer.
Johana Bonanno (JB) Argentine native born in 1981. JB’s work nature involves performing as a bilingual actress, mezzo-soprano singer, and dancer. In between recording and playing shows, JB is an Entertainment writer for her city’s local newspaper. Always restless and looking for new experiences JB has been performing on new artistic projects. Under Chocarro Artistic Corp. Production, JB is about to release a multi-media film called Life Suckers where she incarnates Mara, the main character, of a psychological drama and intones the movie’s song “Up To Me” in english soon available through iTunes. In 2013, as part of the theatrical cast of the Adriana Barraza’s Black Box, JB danced to the rhythm of hip hop hits with strong attitude, passion, and energy. In 2014 she performed her own one woman show for the Latin American HavanaFama Festival. Written by Julie De Grandy and directed by Carolina Laursen and David Chocarro, JB personified Dora Maar, Picasso’s musa and lover. JB played the role of the famous Argentine photographer who conquered Picasso while living in Paris. In this monologue JB performed, danced, and sang in French and Castilian Spanish. JB was one of the 11 cast members of the Argentine Comedy Waiting for the Hearse. Directed by Cirko Teatro JB played on the stereotype Argentine teenager whose Spanish bounces with a characteristic Italian-sounding cadence. Johana received an award for her contribution to the culture of Miami by City Mayor Tomas Regalado City for her role in this successful play.
David Chocarro
David ChocarroTV Host, entertainer , model and director.
David Chocarro actor , TV Host, entertainer , model and director. Born in Buenos Aires , Argentina on April 5, 1980 , this young man of great spirit and a unique smile, began his model career starring in over 80 commercials for top worldwide brands around Argentina and Latin America. David started performing in Argentina where he participated in the soap operas ” Floricienta” , “Angels ” , “My Love”, “Sos Mi Vida “, “Mal Parida” and several plays as “Casi un Cuento” and ‘ Bichitos ” . Through Televisa David internationalized his acting with his role in “Los Exitosos Pérez ” alongside Verónica Castro, Ludwik palette , Jaime Camil and Rogelio Guerra , among others. His immediate public acceptance leads him to be one of the biggest stars of the chain and Telemundo -NBC offers its current exclusive contract. In one of the most ambitious and expected soap operas in 2012, “El Rostro de la Venganza”. Chocarro plays the lead role . In 2014 Telemundo repositions David as the protagonist of the new soap opera “En Otra Piel” and to launch the new NBC reality Show series “Top Chef Stars” where David will be raising money for the foundation SOS Villages of Honduras. Since 2012 David continues making his dreams come true by directing the innumerable plays and short films of his wife the play and screenwritter Carolina Laursen. David repeated contributions to the culture of Miami in regard to television, theater and films bestowed with the “Keys to the City” by City Mayor Tomas Regalado.
Diego Chiliano
Diego ChilianoArt Director , Photo Retoucher and Designer.
Diego Chiliano (DCH) was born in Buenos Aires , Argentina in 1978. He is an Art Director , Photo Retoucher and Designer. In 2001 Co-founded Chango Group / The House Of Fun Project leading to artistic experimentations and creations of short films , video clips , books, and graphics and design conferences . DCH worked at ATL and BTL agencies for ten years. Since 2007 DCH founded his own studio DCH Studio (Post Production Retouching Services) with a clients and agencies portfolio from all over Latin America. To name a few, Amnesty International , Colombia Avianca , Gillette , Canon, Vision Bank (PY ) , Coca Cola , Sprite , Brahma, Stella Artois , Budweiser , Medal , Quilmes , Miller, Adidas , Volkswagen, Renault , Chevrolet, Suzuki, Personal , Gancia , Visa, Axe, Dunlop , Medal, Dawn , MTV , HTV , Nickelodeon, Golf Digest, Real Legacy, Hellmann s , Duracell , Tigo , AMP , RSA, Rock & Pop , JVC , Sony, Argenprop , and Cablevision. As photo retoucher , DCH received many distinctions in major advertising festivals throughout his career achieving Gold Medal in Cannes for Amnesty International in 2013 and several bronzes and silvers medals in festivals like the Tooth, The Eye of Ibero- Clio, FIAP , peak Advertising Festival and Caribbean. In 2013 DCH traveled to Florida, Miami to produce LifeSuckers. A short film co-directed with David Chocarro and based on the text of the play wrighter Carolina Laursen to be launched in April 2014 at the Miami Indie Film Festival and online.
GP Walsh
GP WalshSpiritual Teacher, Author, Composer.
GP Walsh is a man of extraordinary talent. A natural communicator, he has been teaching and coaching for over 30 years and has touched thousands of people with his irreverent humor, his bold assertions, his contradictions of conventional wisdom and his unyielding compassion. He is also a life long musician and composer. He composes music for file, radio and TV, as well as for meditation courses. He has released three CDs and is the composer of the song that Mara sings in the film. He is a recognized expert in leadership, innovation and creativity as well as personal development, finding and living your life purpose. He is also skilled in several healing arts and is a master at relieving stress and conflict, in the workplace and in one’s personal life. His message goes way beyond just self-help encompassing the deepest questions that people are (or should be) asking. How do I live a full and vital life? How do I find my life’s work? How do I make a difference in the world? How do I make a really good living while I do all that?