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Law Of Attraction

If Meditation Is Simple Why Is It So Hard?

What Meditation Is Really Suppose To Be
“If you are unable to find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it?” – Dogen Zenji
Meditation is simple. Yes it is very simple. But it is NOT easy. I mean, it should be easy. What could be so hard about sitting there with your eyes closed? Lots actually. And the reason it’s hard is the beautiful, secret gift of meditation.

When you are just sitting there, not moving, silent, everything that is happening is all happening within you. To sit in meditation is to come face to face with the clutter and disorganization of your own inner world.

“What? I thought the purpose of meditation is make you peaceful? Not to sit in a bunch of internal clutter and chatter!” Well, it does do that whole quiet mind peaceful thing… eventually. But first we must be willing to […]

By |September 17th, 2013|Law Of Attraction|Comments Off

Law of Attraction 2.0 and Allowing

Get the Fundamentals Down
“Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.” – 
Michael Jordan
So you know that the Law of Attraction isn’t magic and it requires practice, experimentation, little short flights like the Wright Brothers. But there is a basic skill that, in my experience, absolutely must be mastered. It is so important that I consider it to be The Fundamentals.

In every sport, art or craft there are the fundamentals. In basketball, it’s layups and jump shots. In music it’s scales. In art it’s color. If you don’t get those down cold you can never become a master. Period! End of story! Your practice will always be flawed, always lacking something.


Now what is this state of allowing that I’m going on about all the time? I’m going to tell you, but first I really wanted to point something out.

Principle #1 in LOA 2.0 is […]

By |September 14th, 2013|Law Of Attraction|Comments Off

Why the Law Needed a Serious Upgrade

Why the Law Needed a Serious Upgrade
Let’s start with a really simple question. What is it? I mean really. What is this law of attraction really? Where is it? What is it made of? How do you get access to it? Is it even real? is it something somebody made something up because it sounded really good? Is it just wishful thinking and coincidence?

Well it is real. It is very real. Just like gravity and aerodynamics are real. It really is a law but it is not the same kind of law as gravity or aerodynamics.

But it is also not a god. You don’t have to make offerings to it. It is not a god that you have to make offerings to. It is not Santa Clause handing out goodies based on who’s naughty and who’s nice. It’s not a genie with the catalog of the universe. It is […]

By |September 14th, 2013|Law Of Attraction|Comments Off

Welcome to the Life Suckers

It Has Been A Rough Road
Welcome to Law of Attraction 2.0. Now why did I call it that? We will get to that in a second, but first I want you to remember back when you first heard of the law of attraction.

When you heard it in such a way that you said; “Hey! Wait a minute. Wow! You mean is that really possible? I can manifest the things I want into my life?” Do you remember how it made you feel? Try to think back and remember how it made you feel, that promise of all the goodies. Maybe it just piqued your curiosity, maybe even your spiritual curiosity and you just said “Wow this makes sense!” Intuitively it just seemed right.

Maybe somebody shared with you the movie The Secret or What the Bleep or maybe you found Abraham Hicks. It’s not really important how it actually came […]

By |September 14th, 2013|Law Of Attraction|Comments Off